Abe Menashy

Software Engineer


I am a software engineer who enjoys coding in JavaScript and is always curious to deepen my knowledge by discovering new frameworks and technologies. I especially like building side projects that solve life’s everyday challenges.

Side Projects

Video Translator

Educational app that enables you to watch french language youTube videos and get translations for words you don’t know without having to switch to another browser tab.

Family Story Finder

Educational App where the user progresses through challenges that involve asking thoughtful questions to their closest connections to get new insights and inspiration.

Open Source Group Projects

Storybook Component Library

JavaScriptLA group project to create a library of reusable components.

Front-End Projects

Room Homepage

Mobile-first responsive landing page with carousel using CSS Grid and Vanilla JavaScript.

Testimonials Grid Section

Mobile-first component using CSS Grid together with SCSS and BEM methodology.

Social Media Dashboard

Social media dashboard with theme switcher using Flexbox and Vanilla JavaScript.

IP Address Tracker

ReactJS app that provides map coordinates based on a provided ip address.

Job Listings With Filtering

Mobile-first VueJS application that filters jobs. Also uses SCSS and BEM methodology.

URL Shortening Landing Page

VueJS webpage that shortens links. Mobile-first design using SCSS and BEM methodology.

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